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 * Coloration tableaux sportifs
 * Auteur : [[:fr:User:Zebulon84|Zebulon84]]

mw.loader.using( [ '' ], function (require) {
	'use strict';
	const colorHover = 'Yellow';
	const colorList = [ 'Pink', 'Cyan', 'PaleGreen', 'Bisque', 'LightSkyBlue', 'Orange', 'violet', 'Gold' ];
	const storage = require( '' ).session;
	let colorIndex = 0;
	let tableauCoupeNameIndexMax = 1;

	function ChangeColor( event ) {
		const cells = document.getElementsByClassName( );
		if ( event.type == 'click' ) {
			let color = colorHover;
			if ( !this.colorFixed ) {
				color = colorList[ colorIndex ];
				colorIndex = ( colorIndex + 1 ) %colorList.length;
			for ( let cell of cells ) { 
				cell.colorFixed = !cell.colorFixed; = color;
		} else if ( !this.colorFixed ) {
			for ( let cell of cells ) { = ( event.type == 'mouseleave' ) ?
					cell.oldColor : colorHover;

	function setEvents( $content ) {
		const listIndex = { };
		function getIndex( cell ) {
			let text = cell.innerText.replace( /\s+/g, '' ).replace( /\(.+/, '' );
			let link = '';
			for ( let a of cell.querySelectorAll( 'a:not(.image):not(.mw-file-description)' ) ) {
				link += storage.get( a.title ) || a.title || a.text;
			link = link || text;
			if ( !link ) {
			let index = listIndex[ link ] || listIndex[ text ] || tableauCoupeNameIndexMax++;
			listIndex[ link ] = index;
			listIndex[ text ] = index;
			return index;
		function setEvent( cell, classe ) {
			cell.classList.add( classe );
			cell.oldColor =;
			$( cell ).on( 'mouseenter mouseleave click', { class :classe }, ChangeColor );
		( $content || $('#content') )
		.find( '.tableau_coupe_name' )
		.each( function( i, cell ) {
			let index = getIndex( cell );
			if ( index ) {
				let classe = 'TableauCoupeName' + index;
				setEvent( cell, classe );
				if ( cell.closest( '.tableau_coupe_tennis' ) ) {
					setEvent( cell.nextElementSibling, classe );
		} );

	function init( $content ) {
		const redirects = [];
		( $content || $('#content') )
		.find( '.tableau_coupe_name .mw-redirect:not(.image):not(.mw-file-description)' )
		.each( function () {
			if ( !storage.get( this.title ) ) {
				redirects.push( this.title );
		if ( redirects.length > 0 ) {
			new mw.Api()
			.get( { 'action' : 'query', 'redirects' : '1', 'titles' : redirects } )
			.done( function ( data ) {
				for ( let r of data.query.redirects ) {
				setEvents( $content );
			} )
			.fail( setEvents );
		} else {
			setEvents( $content );

	mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( init );
} );

// fonction pour annuler les classes et attributs ajoutées par ce code, pour débugger.
function resetTCH() {
	$content = $('#content');
	for (i=0; i < 200; i++ ) {
		$content.find( '.TableauCoupeName' + i )
		.removeClass('TableauCoupeName' + i)
		.off( 'mouseenter mouseleave click');
	$content.find( '.tableau_coupe_name a' )